Hello, long time poster and first time introductions.
In May 2013, I bought a Smart Electric Drive after test driving at the Midtown Mercedes dealership. I'd driven a number of other electric cars, but as soon as I drove the Smart ED, I was hooked and put down my deposit immediately after getting out of the car following the test drive. Took 8 months to get the car, and it was one of only a few hundred produced for Canada that year.
Here it is on delivery day:
The Smart ED is the most fun car to drive I had ever owned (prior to the Tesla), and that includes my 1996 Camaro Z28 and 1991 Chevy Beretta GTZ, both of which were lowered performance cars. I routinely use 250 Wh/km on my commute in the summer, and 300 in the winter (don't spare the electrons!).
Meanwhile, the Tesla Model S has been something I have been obsessed about for more than a year. My wife gave in a finally got me a Tesla...
...cake for my birthday this year:
The cake was great, but it only served to fuel my desire for the real thing. It all finally became a real possibility when Tesla started the CPO program a few months ago here in Canada. The initial inventory was mostly P85(+) models traded in for the P85D, but I was looking for a well-used S85.
Note : The "P" offered more performance than wanted, sometimes you need to "know thyself", I'll leave it at that. |-)
So, that said, we traded in our Mercedes GLK for a 2013 CPO Tesla Model S 85.
CPO or Inventory Purchase Experience in Canada - Page 2
We immediately embarked on a 2500 km road trip to jump directly into the Tesla lifestyle, and to prove to ourselves that this car was capable of completely replacing our gas SUV and our yearly RV rentals which we had used for all previous road trips.
Toronto to New York city - trip planning
We have taken 3 supercharger aided trips in the past week, and are now electro-confident and will never look back!
We are a 100% electrified household, and are happy to kick-gas. We are driving the future and using our purchasing power to speed up this movement to cleaning up our consumption, bit by bit.
Buffed and ready for Wasaga beach this past weekend:
This is why I love my Smart ED, check out this premium parking spot for electric car charging at a local Mercedes dealer...yeesh, MB will get there, but they are mostly "phoning it in" right now.
Both of our electric cars are "minimalist" in their interior design, my Smart is refreshingly free of tech gadgets which would cause no end of distraction on my commute, sometimes simpler is better, and the Tesla is simple in a totally different way, just see this picture below, the clean lines of the interior, the single focal point of the 17" display, it's just brilliant, and a wonderful place to be when kids and adults are travelling together for hours together.
Talk soon, thanks for listening friends.
- Live/work in Toronto Ontario Canada in the Tech industry.
- Personal hobbies and interests span renewable energy, tech and sports.
- Our household pays for 100% carbon-free electricity and natural gas via "BullFrog Power", a Canadian renewable energy company. Our family take considerably effort to recycle, re-use and otherwise keep our footprint on this planet to a reasonable amount.
- We drive two electric cars, my Smart ED, and my wife's Tesla Model S.
In May 2013, I bought a Smart Electric Drive after test driving at the Midtown Mercedes dealership. I'd driven a number of other electric cars, but as soon as I drove the Smart ED, I was hooked and put down my deposit immediately after getting out of the car following the test drive. Took 8 months to get the car, and it was one of only a few hundred produced for Canada that year.
Here it is on delivery day:
The Smart ED is the most fun car to drive I had ever owned (prior to the Tesla), and that includes my 1996 Camaro Z28 and 1991 Chevy Beretta GTZ, both of which were lowered performance cars. I routinely use 250 Wh/km on my commute in the summer, and 300 in the winter (don't spare the electrons!).
Meanwhile, the Tesla Model S has been something I have been obsessed about for more than a year. My wife gave in a finally got me a Tesla...
...cake for my birthday this year:
The cake was great, but it only served to fuel my desire for the real thing. It all finally became a real possibility when Tesla started the CPO program a few months ago here in Canada. The initial inventory was mostly P85(+) models traded in for the P85D, but I was looking for a well-used S85.
Note : The "P" offered more performance than wanted, sometimes you need to "know thyself", I'll leave it at that. |-)
So, that said, we traded in our Mercedes GLK for a 2013 CPO Tesla Model S 85.
CPO or Inventory Purchase Experience in Canada - Page 2
We immediately embarked on a 2500 km road trip to jump directly into the Tesla lifestyle, and to prove to ourselves that this car was capable of completely replacing our gas SUV and our yearly RV rentals which we had used for all previous road trips.
Toronto to New York city - trip planning
We have taken 3 supercharger aided trips in the past week, and are now electro-confident and will never look back!
We are a 100% electrified household, and are happy to kick-gas. We are driving the future and using our purchasing power to speed up this movement to cleaning up our consumption, bit by bit.
Buffed and ready for Wasaga beach this past weekend:
This is why I love my Smart ED, check out this premium parking spot for electric car charging at a local Mercedes dealer...yeesh, MB will get there, but they are mostly "phoning it in" right now.
Both of our electric cars are "minimalist" in their interior design, my Smart is refreshingly free of tech gadgets which would cause no end of distraction on my commute, sometimes simpler is better, and the Tesla is simple in a totally different way, just see this picture below, the clean lines of the interior, the single focal point of the 17" display, it's just brilliant, and a wonderful place to be when kids and adults are travelling together for hours together.
Talk soon, thanks for listening friends.