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Take over your Lease?

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Just visited my accountant and the dream of owning a Tesla looks a little less financially wise compared to a lease. Curious if anybody out there is looking to get out of a 70D or 85/85D lease. I'm still thinking of getting it through Tesla but thought maybe i can find someone who has less than 36 months left so I'm not locked into 3 years from this point since I may want to upgrade to an X in 2 years or so.

Not interested in Red or White exterior colors or any interior colors beside black. Autopilot is a must . Price is still up for discussion but leaning towards a monthly payment of less than $1200 total

i've been monitoring swapalease and lease trader as well, waiting on a few responses but looks like i've missed a couple of good ones. thought i'd throw it out to the community here just in case the thought had crossed their mind but they needed a little bit of a push to make the decision.