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Tesla Gen 2 Wall connector - 24Ft cable New / Unused

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How do I find out if the connector is Gen 2 or Gen 3?
Sometime in late November 2021, I bought a used 2019 Model S Tesla online, and along with it, I also bought a new Wall Connector from the Tesla Online Store.
I was unable to install the Wall Connector because of my garage restrictions (I went with a 240V NEMA 14-150 receptacle, instead)

I cannot start a return for the Connector (because it is beyond the return window). The box is still unopened. Neither the online store description of the part ordered nor anything on the box seem to indicate whether it is Gen 2 or Gen 3.

I have no use for this now and am ready to sell at the price I bought ($500). I live in Sunnyvale,
How do I find out if the connector is Gen 2 or Gen 3?
Sometime in late November 2021, I bought a used 2019 Model S Tesla online, and along with it, I also bought a new Wall Connector from the Tesla Online Store.
I was unable to install the Wall Connector because of my garage restrictions (I went with a 240V NEMA 14-150 receptacle, instead)

I cannot start a return for the Connector (because it is beyond the return window). The box is still unopened. Neither the online store description of the part ordered nor anything on the box seem to indicate whether it is Gen 2 or Gen 3.

I have no use for this now and am ready to sell at the price I bought ($500). I live in Sunnyvale,
Probably easiest way is:

The Gen 3 box looks like this - a more square box


Gen 2 is rectangular like this: