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Tesla License Plate Holder (Rear)

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Software Engineer
Oct 30, 2015
Tualatin, Oregon
I recently bought a 70D and it came with a chrome rear license plate holder that reads, "All Wheel Drive." I was hoping to get the one that just reads "Tesla" across the bottom.

Does anyone have one they would like to sell? Thanks!

PM me if you do.
I am picking up my newest tesla on Wednesday, if I can get an extra I'll mail it to you

That would be awesome - kort677, and congrats your new whip. PM me if you are able to get your hands on an extra one.

I'll be in Fremont on business tomorrow and have a factory tour lined up for the morning. I'll see what kind of SWAG they have. I might be able to buy one for myself. We'll see.
That would be awesome - kort677, and congrats your new whip. PM me if you are able to get your hands on an extra one.

I'll be in Fremont on business tomorrow and have a factory tour lined up for the morning. I'll see what kind of SWAG they have. I might be able to buy one for myself. We'll see.
they'll probably give you one if you ask, let me know