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im Looking for tesla 2016 pre face lift parts if you have them.

My vehicle is a pre facelift 2016 AWD 85D

1, Front radiator packs completed with pipe work. plastic ducting main plastic mounting frame. preferred all bolted together still so we can bolt straight on our vehicle.

2,Cut section from inner wing, just forward from strut top forward, front panel and wing pick up on it. uk drivers side.

3, Bonnet crash pushers both side. they jack the bonnet up in a crash.

4 Complete bumper with everything still on including looms and parking sensors, grill etc

5, headlights RHD

6, wings both sides

7, inner wing liners (plastic)

8, trim around frunk storage box both side parts needed..

9 Bonnet inc hinges.

10 Suspension parts uk drivers side, both lower arms, anti roll link, steering arm and track rod end.

11 Rear tailgate strut electric close unit.