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Tesla seeks sanctions after dousing car fire suit

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I love this.
Don't tolerate bad behavior - somebody has to call those idiots out for trying to make a profit on misinformation and misleading people - especially when they showed no regard for us stockholders who they claimed to be representing (much less the hardworking employees in Tesla who did such an amazing job designing and building such a safe car - they absolutely don't deserve to be dissed like that).
Yeah, well, if anyone in the US cared about tort reform, they would vote for the political party that is constantly trying to reform it, and not for the party that is always trying to block it. But it doesn't seem to be an electoral priority...
Yeah, well, if anyone in the US cared about tort reform, they would vote for the political party that is constantly trying to reform it, and not for the party that is always trying to block it. But it doesn't seem to be an electoral priority...

If that were the only issue I would agree. Other issues tend to be a higher priority for most voters.

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I'm still getting the same popup with that link
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Love the statistic about 1B miles vs 3 fires. Simply amazing!!
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Maybe the fires were set-up anyhow... !?

No. Just a vulnerability at the front of the pack to highway-speed collisions with road debris. The fires were dealt with safety (and thank you Internet and cameras on phones for showing how safe it was), but tank mode has now apparently stopped any problem at source.

At this point worries about the skateboard concept itself are gone, so now the challenge will be lowering the cost while maintaining fire the strength and fire prevention measures.