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Tesla x reservation - 7 seater

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Anyone with a Tesla X 7 seater reservation that might not be using it or changed their mind? I’m in California and Tesla is doing a buyback of my model X, so looking for a replacement sooner than later. Prefer white exterior. Thank you in advance.
Black Exterior Black/Ebony Interior
7 Seater
No Delivery Date
I'm in 92585, but will deliver in Las Vegas.
Let me know.
Have a Reservation for a 7 Seater Model X Plaid; Blue Exterior; White Interior; FSD and 21 Inch wheels. Delivery is due in Feb. DM if interested!
Anyone with a Tesla X 7 seater reservation that might not be using it or changed their mind? I’m in California and Tesla is doing a buyback of my model X, so looking for a replacement sooner than later. Prefer white exterior. Thank you in advance.