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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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I actually like Gore, but can we please just have a simple rule: "No Controversial Figures On The Board, Let Alone Chairing It"?

IMHO: My ideal would be to fill it with environmentally-friendly non-controversial academics so that it'll:
* Not attract any negative attention
* Be fully supportive of the long-term mission, not just on making a quick buck
* Be sufficiently independent from Musk as to satisfy the SEC (and be willing to force things like a twitter-filterer on him), but...
* Not be prone to seeking a power grab for themselves

What board members don't need to be:
* Advisers (you can get advice from people who aren't on the board)
* Deep ties to the world of finance (you can raise funds without such people on your board, but having them on your board IMHO increases the odds of a coup)

What they do need:
* Good judgement
* A full and deep understanding of how important an aggressive moat-bridging strategy has been to get Tesla to where it is today, and why it needs to continue
* Strong support of, but not fanatic devotion to, Elon. Aka, a willingness to go with what he wants when there's some ambiguity towards whether it's the right choice, but a willingness to challenge him when something clearly seems to be a wrong choice

Remember: the greatest power a corporate board has is to replace the CEO. Do not forget this.
Today in the news:

VW CEO Diess: "(..) if the Commission in Brussels succeed with their demand (...) the pace of change is almost not manageable (,,,) Then a quarter of all jobs in our plants will disappear." Thats about 100k Positions.

VW-Chef Diess droht mit Job-Kahlschlag

For context read post #47215 from yesterday

If Germany doesn't get it's act together (and go all-in on EVs) it's going to look like one big Detroit in a few years.
I think that Tesla can create 100k direct and indirect jobs in Europe in 12 years. I'm sure that there will be the others too. Not VW but others.

Last fall saw a very good German documentary
Video "Macht e mobil?" - Reportage & Dokumentation
on the impact of the BEV on the German automotive industry. It (cites a 2017 IFO study that) predicts a loss of 600k German jobs if the ICE is replaced by an electric drive train.

While Bosch sees the potential for electric drive trains, the BEV disruption will cause a serious change in the German job market and economy.
Yeah, so if you want to concern troll and play the fake victim here you should really attempt to keep your story internally consistent. Just a few weeks ago you wrote this gem of a comment:

While concern trolls usually try to add a few overly generic claims that are impossible to falsify, none of your specific concern trolling here materialized:
  • the SEC lawsuit got settled,
  • Q3 production and deliveries were at record levels,
  • mainstream Wall Street analysts think that Q3 and on-wards Tesla is not just free cash flow positive, but sustainably profitable,
  • T Rowe Price's hedge fund has increased their Tesla stake to 10.2%, buying 10 million more shares of TSLA,
  • and Seeking Alpha is still the circle-jerk echo chamber built for Tesla shorts by Tesla shorts, entertaining to follow as a weird window into some other universe with different rules for physics and economics, but admittedly with a very low (in fact negative) signal/noise ratio.
While it's moderately amusing to see you refer to yourself in the third person "the shorts", I'd suggest you to create a new alt account and try again building a fake "concerned Tesla investor" persona - this time with fewer mistakes. ;)

exactly, this user trolls, offers 0 to forum,
should be blocked or booted
Last fall saw a very good German documentary
Video "Macht e mobil?" - Reportage & Dokumentation
on the impact of the BEV on the German automotive industry. It (cites a 2017 IFO study that) predicts a loss of 600k German jobs if the ICE is replaced by an electric drive train.

While Bosch sees the potential for electric drive trains, the BEV disruption will cause a serious change in the German job market and economy.

The Germans are just going to have to deal with it. Just like everyone else.

Have no special love for the German car industry at the moment. Have always been a great admirer of German engineering. But this whole Dieselgate thing is unforgivable. Systemic deception and corruption. Their lies have resulted in untold deaths from pollution, and you would have to guess that the German people have gotten hit with that as badly as anyone. And of course nothing has really changed yet as all these cars are still on the road!

Unfortunately, I could go on and on about this and many other things German...but I will not.

The German people need to rally over what they know is right and punch through to the next level. They are as capable as anyone, and perhaps even more so than anyone.

Now if they would all just start building battery factories...
So, the SEC position is detailed in 3 ½ pages. Tesla and EMs position is basically: "yeah, what they said; can we get on with stuff now?"

You just can't make this stuff up!

Imagine SEC faces while piled in a room reading TSLAs submission? :mad: LMAO
And then Judge Alison's face after she wades thru 3.5 pages, :rolleyes: hehehe.
Oh famous fly on the wall, snap her approving grin with pen in hand and post it right here. :cool:
100k jobs in Germany is nothing compared to the millions that will be killed as a result of climate change.

Given the considerable turmoil Germany saw when the annual influx of refugees rose by some tens of thousands following the failed Arab Spring, it may very well have a cataclysmic effect on the orderly German society (and the rest of the EU) when a couple of billion displaced people start migrating from e.g. the shores of the Indian subcontinent in search for land where they don't drown.

Tesla is also about averting a second Migration Period, with a previous one being:

Migration Period - Wikipedia

I hope I am being overly dramatic.
Have no special love for the German car industry at the moment. Have always been a great admirer of German engineering. But this whole Dieselgate thing is unforgivable. Systemic deception and corruption. Their lies have resulted in untold deaths from pollution, and you would have to guess that the German people have gotten hit with that as badly as anyone. And of course nothing has really changed yet as all these cars are still on the road!

I agree 100%. For me, even if VW miraculously announced a car with better specs than the model S, for half the price, an equiv charging network, and everything else, there is just no way I would even consider buying one, because in my mind the company just *cannot in any way ever be trusted again*.

Tesla do not have to advertise yet, and have no competitors, but can you imagine how brutal they could be about diesel gate if they wanted to knock VW in ads?
I agree 100%. For me, even if VW miraculously announced a car with better specs than the model S, for half the price, an equiv charging network, and everything else, there is just no way I would even consider buying one, because in my mind the company just *cannot in any way ever be trusted again*.

Tesla do not have to advertise yet, and have no competitors, but can you imagine how brutal they could be about diesel gate if they wanted to knock VW in ads?

They would have the stinging brutality of truth, very thinly veiled in humor.
I agree 100%. For me, even if VW miraculously announced a car with better specs than the model S, for half the price, an equiv charging network, and everything else, there is just no way I would even consider buying one, because in my mind the company just *cannot in any way ever be trusted again*.

Tesla do not have to advertise yet, and have no competitors, but can you imagine how brutal they could be about diesel gate if they wanted to knock VW in ads?

I feel the same way, but not just about VW. I will never buy anything else than Tesla for the rest of my life. ALL the ICE manufacturers are dragging their feet and actively lobbying to reduce fuel efficiency requirements. F*ck them! They are never getting another dollar out of me!
Am I the only one who is having a hard time feeling sorry for people who bought Tesla stock for the first time after the taking private tweet? They did not invest because they believe in Tesla, otherwise they would already be invested. They invested because an easy profit looked assured. They blame Elon, but wasn’t greed the biggest factor?

Hey, talk don't about me like that! :eek: My first purchase was after THE Tweet as well :oops:

In my case it as a desperate attempt to get in on $TSLA -- I discovered the stock too late to get in earlier. I wanted it to stay public because, even knowing next to nothing about stock, I figured it would be difficult to impossible to remain a share holder.

From my POV it was still the right thing to do (purchase stock) because if somehow going private happened there would at least be some money made. And, if going private didn't happen, then I'd own shares in the best company in the world. Seemed to me that it was very win/win. And I still think so.

My purchase price was lower than that alleged by our latest spreader of attacks against Elon Musk. I'm not sure why the poster didn't claim the $380. Maybe they thought it would be more believable to not claim the maximum paper loss?

In summary: just because someone bought after THE Tweet doesn't make them an ignorant, greedy fool (at least, I hope). I just had avoided the stockmarket and only due to recent news kerfluffle had started looking into $TSLA.
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