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Used Tesla <25K USA?

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I'm switching jobs, and for the first time in many years will need to do a fair bit of commuting.
I also noticed the 4,000$ tax rebate for used EVs less than 25,000$.
It's very likely that my AGI will exclude me from this next year.

I live in the midwest with a fair bit of lake effect snow.
I would like to find a Model S AWD or Model 3 Dual Motor.
Is it possible to find a vehicle with < 150,000 mile for <25,000$?
Ideal would be 2014+, tan interior, autopilot.

Or am I being a fool?

Best regards,
I could be wrong, but I believe that the used EV has to be bought from a dealer to be eligible for the tax credit. From what I've seen Teslas seem to have fallen as low as the $30k mark at dealers, but I haven't seen many clean titled ones cheaper than that. This caught my eye, because I have a 2019 Model 3 SR+ with 63k miles that has some paint scuffs on the bumpers from a couple of very minor accidents that I'm thinking of listing between $25k and $28k. That may give you an idea of the landscape.
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If you trade something in that is worth 10k to a dealer, that Tesla can be $35k and still be just a $25k purchase eligible for that $4k. Last I checked, Tesla wasn’t an eligible brand though.

List of qualified makes/models:

The good news is, you can get that 4k when you get a 2020 Bentley hybrid, as long as you trade is something worth like… $150k lol
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