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Wall charger(gen 3) or Travel Charger

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I'd stay away from the Tesla chargers. Maybe i've been unlucky, but they are shipping my second replacement. I wish now I'd of gotten a 220V outlet installed in my garage and spent $50 on an adapter. Hopefully this third one will be the charm.
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I'd stay away from the Tesla chargers. Maybe i've been unlucky, but they are shipping my second replacement. I wish now I'd of gotten a 220V outlet installed in my garage and spent $50 on an adapter. Hopefully this third one will be the charm.
I have settled to have a Nema 14-50 installed outside my garage and use my adapter that came with the car. My Gen 2 charger is working just fine inside the the garage. What exactly went wrong on the first 2?
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It was getting hot when charging above 38amps. There was a firmware update, that helped some, but even though I lowered the charge amps to 35, it was still getting pretty warm to the touch, almost hot. They sent a replacement, this one, and everything was fine until a month ago when it just stopped. I'll never use the "smart" charging feature again either. I'm going to get a NEMA 14-50 outlet installed next to the charger, just in case.