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Want Model S P85

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Hi everyone, I've been on the hunt for a P85 for the past couple of weeks now after missing out on the perfect option on the Tesla CPO site. The S that I missed out on was a 2013 S85 with just over 21k miles, pano roof, and tech package. The list price was $54,100 and that is the price range that I'm looking to stay in. If you are looking to sell a similar car, please reach out to me and we can try to make a deal. Thanks!
Thanks for checking ralsmom. I'm currently in the final stages of buying a 2012 Model S Signature P85 with every option except 21" Wheels and the 3rd row seats for $50,000 and only 27k miles. It looks like you may be asking a high price based off the Hanks CPO site and the deal that I'm finalizing right now.