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Want Roadster charger -> Model S charger cable

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I want a converter cable from Roadster fast charger to Model S charger cable, probably used. Here is a video of what I want:

I don't see it for sale at Tesla's shop any more. I am in an odd situation of living in an area where the only local semi-public fast charging capability that I know of on my regular route close to my home besides my own garage is a Tesla Roadster charger (70 amp, 240 volt, ClipperCreek, Inc model TS-70, showing the green "READY" light on the front, with the special Roadster 4 prong female plug). While I assume I will almost never use it because 99% of the time I'll just drive home and charge there, there will be times when I am literally at that exact spot thinking "oops, I need a bit more juice" and would plug in to that exact charger for a half hour or so, go shop at the gas station across the street and cafe down the street and the business that hosts the charger, and generally be better off.
There continues to be one at Floors, Etc. in Soquel, California. It is perfect if you have a Roadster and want to leave the Monterey Bay (including Santa Cruz county) and head up over the Santa Cruz Mountains via the wooded areas and into Silicon Valley. I already have one person offering this converter item, but I have to now go to Floors, Etc. and ask their charging policy, and if they want some donations from me. I'm also calculating how often I will actually need it. It's at the beginning of a hill I drive up 3 or 4 times a week, and come down 5 or 6 times a week. Coming down the hill I'll get regen, and going up the hill I'll be coming from home, so I'm starting to realize the only time I'd need it is when the power is inaccessible at my home, which should be virtually never.
Where are the Roadster chargers located? I thought most of those were removed and replaced with Model-S ones, such as at Santana Row.
There are a bunch still out there in the wild. I drove my Roadster up to the Portland area a few months ago & used a few along the route. I also used some destination chargers, which gave me lots more options than the last time I drove it up here.
Thank you everyone. I just received my (new to me) used Roadster Charger -> Model S/X adapter. I have yet to test it, but pending that, I won't need another (yet).

FYI, I was prompted to come here and announce that I had already bought one from someone because yet another person offered theirs to me, so in case anybody else is looking, apparently they might still be available used.
FYI, I was prompted to come here and announce that I had already bought one from someone because yet another person offered theirs to me, so in case anybody else is looking, apparently they might still be available used.
@Ulmo, do you happen to have the name of other person who was offering their HPC > MS/X adapter for sale? I'm in the market for one of these now, thx.