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WANTED: 2010-2011 Canadian Roadster 2.0/2.5/3.0

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I am looking for a roadster, 2010 - 2011.

Any input on what I should be looking for (not looking for) would be great.
I currently have a MYP, and am not familiar with the early Tesla vehicles.
I do know its based on a Lotus, which I am familiar with.
There are no Canadian roadsters available, well there is one for $225,000, you cannot import one, well you physically can but you cannot get a km/hr speedo to make it compliant. As roadsters are $100,000 US now you will be looking north of $130,000 if one ever goes up for sale in Canada, Shift motors who are on your doorstep just sold theirs for 6 figures.
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There are no Canadian roadsters available, well there is one for $225,000, you cannot import one, well you physically can but you cannot get a km/hr speedo to make it compliant. As roadsters are $100,000 US now you will be looking north of $130,000 if one ever goes up for sale in Canada, Shift motors who are on your doorstep just sold theirs for 6 figures.
I wasn’t interested in the Shift one as it was damaged from what I heard. They had it listed for a year at 90k, the relisted it for 120k and sold it. Good for them, still listed on trader and their website as fish bait.
I replied on the other thread you responded with what I was thinking regarding this, as it seems none are available at the moment. I can wait the hot market out, not in a hurry.
The shift one was an expensive repair rather than a major one, the repair was done by one of the people who have an independent shop now so it’s only issue is it appears on the title. If you find a car, it’s worth checking the archives. There are very few NA cars that have not had a detailed history documented somewhere on the pages, I knew pretty much everything about my car from its first owner to the day I picked it up in Vancouver and drove it home.
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