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Wanted: 2016 - 2017 Model X 90d/ 100d w/ AP2, PUP and UHF

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Hey all, it's been a few years since I've posted regularly but it seems like this isn't the place to go for used Teslas any longer. Am I wrong? Back in 2015 - 2016 there'd be posts from the same day on page 4. Now it seems there's posts from 3 days ago on the first page. If this isn't the place to look, where should I be looking? I'm obviously out of touch. I'll give it a go either way though!

Wanted to buy/ trade: Model X

Car has to have the following:
  • Premium upgrades package
  • Ultra High Fidelity sound
  • 6 or 7 passenger seating
  • AP2 hardware. FSD or EAP preferred.
I'm not worried about mileage, color or wheel style. $50,000 - $55,000 is my wheel house. Anything more and it just doesn't make sense for me to get an X.

Happy to trade my 2017 M3 LR RWD w/ FSD and cash on my end. I'm looking for $38,000 for my car.
Also happy to consider a trade on my 2014 BMW i8. 40,000 miles on that one. Clean title car plus cash on your end there.

What have you got kids?!
Hey Mike... long time back I used to be active with TMC but now I am not. Bought a MS in 2014 and now looking for MX just like you. WIth FSD options you are looking at 60K + depending on the battery size. This is what I found so far browsing through threads and looking at EV CPO.