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Wanted: Hpwc

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Active Member
Dec 5, 2014
I'm picking up my new toy in the next week or two.

It's got dual chargers, so I'm looking to use the HPWC at home, and keep the mobile connector in the car w/me.

I'm not 100% sold on the HPWC, because of price... I want one, but $750 is a chunk of change!

I know I won't charge w/both chargers at the 40 amps, but... $750 is a chunk of change!

anyway, any market for used ones? or not needed ones? or accidentally installed ones?
Shop around for another 80A charger aside from the HPWC. You will find that $750 is a good price compared to other units. Many J1772's are that price or more for half the power. Can always run the wiring and breaker for it and install a 14-50 outlet until you make up your mind.
Dual chargers is the way to go, as it is much cheaper to get them now than after the fact. For traveling and opportunity charging at many of the destination HPWCs being installed it makes charging much faster. However makes no difference at speed at Supercharges. However, the HPWC is certainly not required but optional. Start with a 14-50 outlet and the UMC and use that for a while. I am sure you will be more than satisfied with using just that to charge with. At some point if you decide you want to go for the HPWC you can certainly do that at a later date. At $750 the HPWC is a bargain. An 80 amp J1772 EVSE like the Clipper Creek CS-100 costs $2195. But getting just a 14-50 outlet installed should be $200-$300 or so depending on your situation and the UMC comes free with your car.