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WBT: Model X 100D

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I am looking to purchase a used Tesla Model 100D in 6 or 7 seat configuration with-in the next month as my current lease is up. Mileage should be under 35k. My price range is $70-$75 depending on the Options and mileage.
I am looking to purchase a used Tesla Model 100D in 6 or 7 seat configuration with-in the next month as my current lease is up. Mileage should be under 35k. My price range is $70-$75 depending on the Options and mileage.

have a 2016 Model X 75D for Sale:
-Black on black
-38k miles
-Transferable free unlimited supercharging
-Enhanced autopilot and full self driving AP2, which Serv Center has confirmed will be upgraded to HW3.
-Unlimited premium connectivity
-Dark ash wood interior
-Smart air suspension
-Located in Los Angeles (Redondo Beach), CA.
-CA carpool red stickers

PM if interested