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WTB: 18" Model 3 Aero Wheels

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Hey there. I'm interested in purchasing a used set of 18" Model 3 Aero Wheels. I would prefer to also get the TPMS, but can buy those separately if necessary. As I'm in central Idaho, I'll most likely need the wheels shipped to me. Not interested in the stock tires as these will be for a winter setup, unless the price is really right. I can even be happy without the aero covers proper if for some reason you only have the wheels. PM me to chat. Thanks!
Hey there. I'm interested in purchasing a used set of 18" Model 3 Aero Wheels. I would prefer to also get the TPMS, but can buy those separately if necessary. As I'm in central Idaho, I'll most likely need the wheels shipped to me. Not interested in the stock tires as these will be for a winter setup, unless the price is really right. I can even be happy without the aero covers proper if for some reason you only have the wheels. PM me to chat. Thanks!
I am selling a full set without the TPMS. I have it listed on eBay and let me know if you are interested.


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