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WTB '18 Model S Right Mirror Parts Blue

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Looking for parts for the exterior side mirror for a 2018 Tesla Model S. Anything from model year 2016-2021 should work. If you have parts outside of these years, I can try to verify on my own.

Specific parts by their molded labels:
2148.3006 RH ABS mirror chrome trim bottom
10101004-00 A RH mirror skull cap in blue
166S-2000 RH mirror glass heated/dimming (premium)
2148.3010 RH inner mirror housing

I am interested in the entire mirror assembly as well if it is blue and has the heated/dimming mirror. Tesla part numbers would be:
1041318-99-F Mirror assembly
1010104-00-A Skull Cap in Blue

eBay. I set a search filter and just waited for a decent deal. I eventually got a full mirror with the wrong colour mirror skull cap in very good condition for a very reasonable price. I had a local shop paint the skull cap to match for $75.

Good luck!