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WTB: 19" Tempest Wheels for Model 2021 S (CA.)

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I was lucky enough to pick-up a Model S Long Range via Tesla Inventory. The only downside is, it is being delivered with the 21" Wheels (I prefer the additional range that comes with the 19"s). If you are looking to sell you stock 19" tempest wheels and live in California (preferability between the Bay Area - Sacramento) lets chat.
I was lucky enough to pick-up a Model S Long Range via Tesla Inventory. The only downside is, it is being delivered with the 21" Wheels (I prefer the additional range that comes with the 19"s). If you are looking to sell you stock 19" tempest wheels and live in California (preferability between the Bay Area - Sacramento) lets chat.
I’m taking delivery tomorrow of a brand new plaid and it has the 19’s. I want the opposite.
Maybe we can work something out and meet somewhere in the middle and swap out wheels

a nice drive to Bakersfield perhaps?