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WTB: 19" Wheels for Winter in Rochester NY

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Model Y LR Seven Seater RED
Just Bought a P85 with 21" wheels with Performance tire which I'm reading won't be any good for winter. So i Need to start my search for a Winter Set. I placed an order for Rial Lagnos set but they are out of stock untill Jan.

I going to just wait for the Rial Luganos to get in stock on Tirerack.

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Just Bought a P85 with 21" wheels with Performance tire which I'm reading won't be any good for winter. So i Need to start my search for a Winter Set. I placed an order for Rial Lagnos set but they are out of stock untill Jan.

If you have something Let me know via PM.

If you aren't picky about the look of the rims, the Tesla winter set may be in stock at the service center but it is also more expensive.
Why would anyone pay $4K from tesla? I'll just wait for the cyclones to come into stock at Tirerack for $2400 with TPMS
You said they were out of stock and didn't sound like you wanted to wait so was just trying to give you the other option. I did note it was more expensive. The reason why someone might pay more is Tesla won't mount non Tesla rims.