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WTB: 19" wheels + winter tires, preferably OEM. Boston area.

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I'm looking for a good deal on a winter wheel/tire set for my 85D, maybe from someone leaving the area who no longer needs them? Not urgent as I'm fine giving this winter a shot with all seasons to see how they do, but I'd happily snipe a good deal on a winter set if anybody is looking to unload one.
I have an S85 and found after the first snowfall that I needed winter tires. I found a set of unused 19" wheels on eBay (a guy in CA who put third-party 19s on his new S) and bought Nokian Hakka R2s from Direct Tire in Watertown who mounted them with my original TOMS sensors. In the spring I got a new set of sensors when Tesla mounted my original tires on the new rims. I've heard of others who bought new wheels with the all-seasons and saved them for their first all-season replacement.

Good luck - I highly recommend the R2s, by the way. The S85 feels as secure as my old A4 Quattro with them on.