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WTB 20” Winter wheel & tire set CHICAGO

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Have you considered aftermarket? I see you're in Chicago so winters will be a concern which isn't the norm for the bulk of Tesla owners who tend to live in warmer climates. I shopped and researched a TON before I opted for a set of 19" Arachnid replicas from Tsportline and a set of Michelin Pilot Sport A/S 3+ ultra high performance all-season tires. I wanted the best looking and performing (lightweight) wheel/tires combo for the money that I could run year 'round in the Front Range of Colorado w/o the need to swap back and forth several times a year. Just set it and forget it. I'm quite happy with my purchase and highly recommend them to others. I'd buy the same thing all over again if I had it to do over and I just may for our other Model S. Check out the Tsportline offerings and if you decide to order from them shoot me a private message for a referral code coupon to get $50 off your order.

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