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WTB 20 uberturbines for M3LR

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Hi guys - I am from UK and these wheels are almost impossible to get hold of here so I am broadening my search (significantly).

I see them selling for circa $2.2 -$2.5k and honestly, even factoring in $500usd shipping, they are still better value than the very sparse uk offerings. The closest I can find is germany and they are more expensive than this picking this route.

If you are willing to package the wheels I will get DHL to handle the rest.

Looking for dark grey with TMPS for newer 2022 model.

Thanks in advance.
Hi guys - I am from UK and these wheels are almost impossible to get hold of here so I am broadening my search (significantly).

I see them selling for circa $2.2 -$2.5k and honestly, even factoring in $500usd shipping, they are still better value than the very sparse uk offerings. The closest I can find is germany and they are more expensive than this picking this route.

If you are willing to package the wheels I will get DHL to handle the rest.

Looking for dark grey with TMPS for newer 2022 model.

Thanks in advance.
I have a set for sale with no tires or TPMS for $1400. Located in Alabama, but I’m willing to cover the cost of packaging if you pay for shipping.


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