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WTB: 2014+ Model S - Budget in lower 50's

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Can buy my June 2014 60 Model S, which has 50,155 miles. KBB states it's worth 47,500 (very good condition). Has center console, crystal quartz, LTE upgrade, and high gloss carbon fiber wing. I'll sell it 44K firm (with Carbon fiber rear diffuser). Be quick as I have 90D on order, delivery 24-Dec 31

PM me if interested has lien.
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Can buy my June 2014 60 Model S, which has 50,155 miles. KBB states it's worth 47,500 (very good condition). Has center console, crystal quartz, LTE upgrade, and high gloss carbon fiber wing. I'll sell it 44K firm (with Carbon fiber rear diffuser). Be quick as I have 90D on order, delivery 24-Dec 31

PM me if interested has lien.
Being that you just passed 50k miles, you're likely out of warranty unless you opted for the extended warranty.
Can buy my June 2014 60 Model S, which has 50,155 miles. KBB states it's worth 47,500 (very good condition). Has center console, crystal quartz, LTE upgrade, and high gloss carbon fiber wing. I'll sell it 44K firm (with Carbon fiber rear diffuser). Be quick as I have 90D on order, delivery 24-Dec 31

PM me if interested has lien.

Do you have the extended warranty..?