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WTB - 2014 P85 w/ autopilot

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Looking to buy a 2014 P85 with autopilot and pano sunroof. Would love to find black exterior and black interior, but could live with grey and black or red and black. I know, im looking for a unicorn, but maybe someone has one or knows where i can find one for sale.

Autopilot and pano roof are musts. I am not interested in vehicles that dont have them.

Also looking for a vehicle witth under 50k miles so i can purchase the extended warranty.

I currently have a deposit on a 2015 s85 through Tesla CPO, but would rather buy a P85.

Looking to spend around $56k-$57k.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

perfect... except white and tan and no sunroof.... LOL

they come up more often than you think...so i wouold be patient.. there is a big difference between an 85 and P85..

there are also 3 P85+ cars with AP1 but not in that price range... that is the true unicorn car