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WTB 2016 with FUSC or 17-18 Model S with ludicrous (60+ days)

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I am 60-90 days away from purchasing a used 16-18 Model S with ludicrous mode and would like to get into a non-binding agreement with a private seller who is in no hurry to sell, possibly someone who wants a buyer lined up for a late summer or fall 2021 delivery. Im located near Virginia Beach, VA and willing to drive 5 hours, maybe more for a good deal. I plan on keeping this car for life so I'm looking for low mileage (under 40k) and nearly perfect body and paint (ideally wrapped, tinted, and garage kept). Im interested all variants with ludicrous mode but 2016s must include FUSC. Blue and MSM paint preferred, I do not want red, black, or white. My budget is under 70k and I might be willing to jump early if your ask is low 50s and the wife doesnt kill me

Im new to model S but not Tesla (model 3 owner) so I'd love advice from this community on my purchase. Please let me know if there are features I cant live without or what year/variant in my scope you recommend. Thank you
I'm sure you're probably aware but the "no leather" qualifier is going to make your search more difficult as there weren't a lot of them. There were even fewer still that had no leather and ludicrous as that's a pretty highly optioned car with what amounts to a downgrade in interior. I think in my years of monitoring the used car market I've seen only a handful that would match your description.
I'm sure you're probably aware but the "no leather" qualifier is going to make your search more difficult as there weren't a lot of them. There were even fewer still that had no leather and ludicrous as that's a pretty highly optioned car with what amounts to a downgrade in interior. I think in my years of monitoring the used car market I've seen only a handful that would match your description.
Oh, I didnt know that but thanks for telling me. Im just looking for the synthetic (vegan, pleather whatever) interior, I understand most of them have a leather steering wheel and maybe some other leather parts? I am ok with that.. I just dont want real leather seats.
Oh, I didnt know that but thanks for telling me. Im just looking for the synthetic (vegan, pleather whatever) interior, I understand most of them have a leather steering wheel and maybe some other leather parts? I am ok with that.. I just dont want real leather seats.
I think when most people read "not leather" they assume the person wants the textile seats.
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