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WTB: 2017-2020 Model X 100D / Long Range 6 Seater

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Family is expanding from 3-4. Rented a model X on Turo and I’m in. Just been looking for the right configuration. I am hoping I might be able to find someone on the fence about selling

Ideally looking for the following build:

Year: 2017+
Trim: Long Range (100D, etc)
Color: White / White (live in socal. This is not mandatory on color just ideal)
Seats: 6 or 6 w/Console. Read an article on how to remove console so not bothered by it.
Autopilot: Basic and beyond. EAP would probably do everything I need.
Mileage: Open. High mileage doesn’t scare me

Budget: 60-85K depending on configuration. I can be reached at:

[email protected]