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WTB: 2021+ Model S Key Fob

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FYI the model 3/y key fob should work if you’re okay with a slight cosmetic difference (battery cover saying “TESLA” instead of “MODEL S”, and the coloring of the “window” outline being a little different). I just tested pairing an extra one to a refresh X and it works fine. In the X’s case the buttons to open up the falcon wing doors are obviously missing, but for the S that’s not a factor.
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Tesla always seems to be out of stock on the 2021+ Model S Key Fobs. Would love to purchase one or more of these.

I was able to buy one of these thanks to a TMC community member. I don't think I can close this thread, so I'll leave it up for others to jump in that might be looking for a Fob.

If you are curious why a Fob (when I have phone key):

  1. Locking the car easily & explicitly while walking away (key card can do this at side door, and phone key can if you open the app - I could prolly even add a shortcut). Pushing in on the middle of the Fob can be done easily and without much thought or taking anything out of my pocket.
  2. Summon - I like to not hold down on a button for summon (which is the default setting), but I do not trust the phone and connectivity enough that it would stop on a dime if I needed it to. With the Fob it will and I trust that better.