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WTB 2022 Model X Plaid/LR speakers and subwoofer

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WTB 2022 Model X Plaid/LR speakers and subwoofer, assuming they are the same size and connectors match with 2018-2019 models for OEM upgrade :D
Why wouldn’t you just buy the parts that are meant for your vehicle? Or if you are attempting an upgrade, go 3rd party.

There is nothing special about the 2022 stereo system where it would be worth replacing your existing stock one. And with it being fairly new, you are just going to wind up paying more money for not a lot of (if any) gain.
Why wouldn’t you just buy the parts that are meant for your vehicle? Or if you are attempting an upgrade, go 3rd party.

There is nothing special about the 2022 stereo system where it would be worth replacing your existing stock one. And with it being fairly new, you are just going to wind up paying more money for not a lot of (if any) gain.
True. But there is no 200mm 1 ohm speakers available on the market you can just buy, even Light Harmonic only makes 160mm ones.
Not sure if 2022 is nothing special based on reviews, everyone seem to be super happy with it, so it makes more sense to assume 2022 speakers are slightly better than 2018?