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WTB 21” turbine (Black or Grey) wheels with tires for ‘16 Model S

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They are still on the car.

I'm pending buying new wheels and tires until I sell these. I can get you pictures in the morning when it's light out.

Looks like for ground shipping would be about $70 a tire for ground shipping, so around $300 total + whatever you're looking to pay for the wheels. Might be less though, that's just what the shipping calculator says...

I'll be leaving on the Pirelli Super Sports on them, but I'll deflate them to reduce the shipping weight. They were bought brand new last year so they have 25k of warranty left on them, I just derped and didn't realize they were summer tires when I bought them...now the snow has started and they drive like sh** so I need to grab some 20 inch wheels and some all seasons....

If you're dedicated to the sale, what we would have to do is you pay > I buy my new wheels and tires > they get shipped to me > I get the new wheels installed > box up the ones you bought > ship them to you.

So it would take like a week or so for them to get to you...
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