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WTB: 21" OEM wheels silver or grey

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Hi, I'm looking to purchase a set of used, but great condition, 21" OEM turbine wheels, silver or grey, set of 4, non-staggered preferred but not a must. Would also be great to include center caps, and older version tpms. I am in the DC area. Thanks.
i will buy them for 2200 with out tires , i currently have the 19" wheels would the TPMS fit the 21 or should i buy new one and reprogram them?
considering its going overseas shipping is going to be high and i can get them picked up from you directly

Yes. The TPMS will fit. In fact, I used my 19" TPMS for these wheels. The service center did the whole thing, so, it was done right.

PM me to work this out.