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WTB: 21 x Uberturbines (Toronto, ON)

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Located in Toronto, ON and would like to purchase a set of 4 x 21" Uberturbines with Pirelli Tires. Preferably no curb rash and low mileage on tires.

Also have set of 4 x 20" OEM Tesla Rims with Winter Tires if looking to trade.

Shipping could be to Niagara Falls 14304 but of course would prefer local.
Hello, I'm picking up a new MYP this week and I'm looking to switch to a squared setup. That means I have a set of 4 x 21" brand new Uberturbines with Pirelli tires that I'm looking to sell. I'm located in Toronto. DM me if you're interested.
Located in Toronto, ON and would like to purchase a set of 4 x 21" Uberturbines with Pirelli Tires. Preferably no curb rash and low mileage on tires.

Also have set of 4 x 20" OEM Tesla Rims with Winter Tires if looking to trade.

Shipping could be to Niagara Falls 14304 but of course would prefer local.
I will also be picking up a new model Y performance next week. DM if interested.