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WTB: 85D/90D with FUSC

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Hi there,

It appears that I will be starting a new job that entails quite a bit of driving around AZ. Something that is not suited to my 1999 K2500.

I've been lurking on the forum for awhile and doing research on what would suit me. I've always wanted a Model S and, according to my spreadsheet, I can swing the cost of one as long as it has Unlimited Supercharging.

I will be financing this, if that has a bearing on whether you want to deal with me. I am pre-approved through my credit union and have a healthy down payment.

Model S
85D or 90D
Needs to comfortably do 180 miles on a full charge

I do peruse the for sale area, and there are a few that fit my criteria. however, the OPs of the ones that don't show "sold" do not seem to be responding to those threads anymore

As the Cromulons say: Show me what you got.
