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WTB 90D/100D Model X TN within 6 Months

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Hello all,

I'm looking to get a used Model X 90D or 100D in the next 3-6 months. Something with under 50k miles.

I live in middle TN but visit northern Ohio often and can pickup anywhere within a few hours of either.

Hard requirements
6 Seat
90D or 100D
20" wheels
Basic autopilot or better

Like to have
Ability to extend warranty for 4 years
Red, or blue
Black or white interior
subzero package

Meh about
Performance or ludicrous
Tan interior
Free supercharging

Goal of staying between 60k and 65k depending on Options.

Not in a hurry and just planning things out and hopefully can find someone that's selling or trading in the near future to work something out.

Thanks for your time!