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WTB: Arachnid Wheel Set for Model S - Black or Gray

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I'm looking to purchase the Arachnid wheel set for my model s, ideally Black but Gray would be good too - not interested in silver unless anyone has suggestions on where I could get them powder-coated (really like the darker wheels on my Midnight Silver S).

I'm in the Washington DC area, would happily drive to pick up so long as I can make the round-trip within a day - otherwise I'd of course pay extra to cover shipping costs.

Ideally looking for new (perhaps someone who got them from the old referral program and hasn't used or sold them yet?) but used is fine too as long as they're not damaged - just expect I won't offer quite as much for them, especially if the tires are worn (or if it's just the rims).

I actually bought a silver set from someone local who offered to get them powder coated for me. I believe I saw elsewhere on the forum that the silvers usually go for $3k and the blacks usually go for $5k, each new. I paid $3k for a new set of silvers plus powder coating costs.