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WTB Autopilot Tesla using tax credits

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New Member
Apr 10, 2014
I have a surplus of federal tax credits from solar installs. It works in the same way as your $7500 tax credit from buying your Tesla. If you have a Tesla for sale and also have a large amount of tax liability, we should talk. Shoot a PM for more info.
How does this work?

Usually I tell people there is a wonderful website run by the University of North Carolina and the Department of Energy that does a nice job explaining and tracking tax benefits of solar: Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency® - DSIRE . More specifically: DSIRE

So your CPA understands:

We own a solar leasing company (a true lease under IRS rules) so we own the tax benefit. Under the Health Care Reform act we can transfer just the tax benefits. We usually do a blend of Net Operating Loss (NOL) and the Investment tax credit (ITC). The NOL lowers your income (saving both federal and state taxes) and the ITC pays the federal tax. The ITC is a dollar for dollar credit – works just like you paid with cash, and can cover AMT.

Basically, you become a .01% owner of the company and the company gives you a K-1 form distributing the tax savings.