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Hi Mike,

Have you looked at the install instructions for these daisy chain chargers?
I did and I must admit I was disappointed.
If I am reading them correctly - You must bring heavy cables to each charger to supply power.
So, they may share a breaker, but then they go to a junction box to split the heavy cable to each charger.
The small "signal" wires actually link from the master to the slaves.

I thought the heavy cable would go to charger one and from there to two and from two to three and from three to four.
If all of the cable was capable of 80 amps. it would be a good setup.
This is not the case.
They heavy wire past the breaker goes to a junction box and multiple heavy gauge wires exit to each of the chargers...
Oh well...

Hi Mike,

Have you looked at the install instructions for these daisy chain chargers?
I did and I must admit I was disappointed.
If I am reading them correctly - You must bring heavy cables to each charger to supply power.
So, they may share a breaker, but then they go to a junction box to split the heavy cable to each charger.
The small "signal" wires actually link from the master to the slaves.

I thought the heavy cable would go to charger one and from there to two and from two to three and from three to four.
If all of the cable was capable of 80 amps. it would be a good setup.
This is not the case.
They heavy wire past the breaker goes to a junction box and multiple heavy gauge wires exit to each of the chargers...
Oh well...

For more than 2 connectors this becomes inefficient, yes.
Hi Mike,
Hopefully this helps:
Load Sharing - TESLA Wall Connector

Installation Manuals - Wall Connector

The manual is very informative.


So if you are able to run a 100A circuit to the Master and other necessary wiring to the secondary connectors as described in the manuals, then it should be possible to install a daisy chain of 4 HPWC.
On a side note, I do have referral awards for 2 Black signature wall connectors and am selling them for $550 each OBO. LMK if interested. Per Tesla, they will start shipping this month.
I am assuming you are planning on charging 4 Tesla cars using this set up. WOW. Awesome! Really jealous. I have 2 MS (free supercharging) and a reservation for 2 M3 and a Roadster 2020. I'll try to emulate your set up once I get delivery on my M3. Plese let us know how it goes, with pictures and approximate cost.
Good luck,
Thanks Amit, had read this, though good to reread. I wish it were 4 - rather will be 3. We’re in midst of doing bunch of work in “new” house.

Intent is 100A feed from new panel, to junction box in garage and then split (using same gauge cables) to each HPWC and run shielded cat5e from master to each slave for the communication daisy-chain in separate 1/2” conduit.

Once you go past 2 cars it starts becoming more effective to do it this way imho.

I just PMd you for HPWCs. If these truly ship this month that’d be awesome.