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WTB Black Model X Wheels

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I'm looking for a full set of black MX wheels. 20s without tires are preferable, but we are open to 20-22" sizes with or without tires. Willing to cover shipping. Also willing to trade my existing 20" Slipstreams plus cash for the deal.

Located in Salt Lake City.
I'm in Allentown, Pa. Wheels are off now (I switched back to silver).

These came with the car when I bought it used. I assume they're dipped because I don't think gloss black 20" slipstreams were ever offered from the factory. They are OEM wheels with the Telsa logo stamped inside. Black center caps included. No tires.

I hope to find time this weekend to clean them up and snap some pics for a "for sale" post. I plan to ask $750 for the set.


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