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WTB: Canadian model S p85 or p85+.

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85 kwh model s $88,500

Twin charger $1.600

High power Wall Connector 1.300

Tech Package 4.100

Air Suspension 2.500

Fog Lamps 550

Ultra High Fidelity Sound 2.800

Extended nappa Leather Trim 2.800

Alcantara Headliner 1.600

Rear Facing Seats 2.800

Premium interior Lighting 1.100

Paint Armor 1.000

Price $115.370 + EXTENDED SERVICE AGREEMENT 4.100 + Winter Tires 1,400 = 120.870 + TAX 136.400 - $8500
So sry its 120.870 But new for 105k no

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Sry All Glass Panoramic Roof $2.800

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p85 same options 125.620 + EXTENDED SERVICE AGREEMENT 4.100 + Winter Tires 1,400 = 131.120 + tax have fun trying to get 1 for 90k
With all due respect . Thanks for the offer but too many extras I have no need for. Plus, makes no sense for me to factor in your tax when comparing since I must pay tax again.
Besides, as I mentioned earlier, as of now , my focus is on a p85. The 85 is slower than what I'm driving now. are Not sure if I would like that.
I understand there are a few P's coming available, loaded, at a good prices.
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Gee, after taxes and provincial rebate my 60 cost $91+k $Can new. And after recently pricing out my configuration it has gone up about $7-8k. I think you are in a dream to get a performance for $90k $Can. Good luck if you can find one.
Yes i know you are excluding taxes, but you have to consider it relative to the sellers perspective in what he wants to recover vs what he paid. Also for the buyer relative to what he would pay new.