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WTB: Corded Mobile Charger

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It is
Yeah but I already have a 14-50 outlet. No installation charges with the corded mobile connector.
It is really easy to replace the outlet with the wall charger, assuming you have enough cable length in the outlet to reach the connectors at the wall connector. I did it myself a couple of times, from the wall connector to the outlet and from the outlet to the wall connector.
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Reactions: Tulipo
I understand. Since the wires have been run it is very low cost to swap out with a wall connector and you get to keep the mobile connector in the car for when you need it.
It is

It is really easy to replace the outlet with the wall charger, assuming you have enough cable length in the outlet to reach the connectors at the wall connector. I did it myself a couple of times, from the wall connector to the outlet and from the outlet to the wall connector.
Okay you guys convinced me. I’m going to look into installing the wall connector. Thanks guys