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WTB: Driver side mirror glass, Euro version, Model S

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I would be interested also. I installed eurospec mirrors on my VW several years ago and found them to be far superior than the US mirrors. There is a short period of adjustment since "objects in the mirror are closer than they appear" but that effect was minimized in the mirrors for my VW since the strongly convex portion didn't begin until about 2/3 of the distance from the car.
I would be interested also
So far your best option is ebay.co.uk/ebay.de. Plain mirrors are readily found within 15 Euros, auto-dimming are fairly rare, so set up search notifications and wait. Took me a few weeks to find mine.

With some Swedish and German cars we owned in the past, it was as easy as walking up to the parts counter and asking them to order a Euro market part number. Sadly, the local Tesla folks do not cooperate, so ebay it is.
I'd be all over this too

I've posted several times about finding someone to buy one and send it over, but no takers have surfaced

I think what may work is to have someone with a VIN that has either standard or premium options (the old tech package) so they can buy one without being asked twenty questions

My wife tried (unsuccessfully) on a UK visit, plus I did my best to 'bribe' a parts guy when we did the factory tour, but the old 'can only sell parts intended for this country' bull surfaced

The part numbers I have for my Dec 2014 car are:

1042529-00-A base mirror
1042531-00-A premium (dipping) mirror

Flat mirrors are downright dangerous - I don't know why they are fitted

Money waiting - someone please help!
There are several more non-dimming auctions (they look aftermarket to me though), but this is the only seller with dimming mirrors at the moment. That actually looks like the guy I bought mine from. He was super quick to respond, sent detailed photos, and the package arrived in less than a week.
I absolutely second your concerns. Being from ex-USSR myself, I was quite wary as well. "Does this guy go around yanking mirrors off cars in a nearby wealthy district or is he a legitimate salvage operation?". Surprisingly, he responded promptly in decent English, provided a tracking number and used his Kaunas address on the package. I googled around, couldn't spot any red flags.
Yes, if the tracking number looks like AB123456789CD, it usually works as it reaches the local sorting facility. How long since they mailed it? We regularly get orders shipped via Royal Mail or Deutsche Post, and delivery times are often unpredictable - from a few days to over a month for seemingly the same things.