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WTB: Driver side mirror glass, Euro version, Model S

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I'd be all over this too

I've posted several times about finding someone to buy one and send it over, but no takers have surfaced

I think what may work is to have someone with a VIN that has either standard or premium options (the old tech package) so they can buy one without being asked twenty questions

My wife tried (unsuccessfully) on a UK visit, plus I did my best to 'bribe' a parts guy when we did the factory tour, but the old 'can only sell parts intended for this country' bull surfaced

The part numbers I have for my Dec 2014 car are:

1042529-00-A base mirror
1042531-00-A premium (dipping) mirror

Flat mirrors are downright dangerous - I don't know why they are fitted

Money waiting - someone please help!
Still need help?
I think you'll find several Tesla owners here in the US wanting to upgrade mirrors and headlights to European spec items. Unfortunately, we in the US are subject to the NHTSA rules that are pretty archaic and possibly subject to lobbying to forestall the kinds of improvements in headlights and mirrors that have been common in the UK and Europe for decades.

Count me in for mirrors too.

Still need help?