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WTB Early Cybertruck reservation/account

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I am trying to purchase a Model X that has unlimited supercharging. He has an early cybertruck account and as such does not want to let his account go. I was thinking if I could buy someone’s reservation and account I would be able to convince him to surrender the account. Anyone with an early reservation willing to sell me the reservation? Open to price negotiation.
Honestly, what you would pay for someone's early CT reservation and access to their account (and that's assuming they also have no other cars or solar on their account) is probably going to be a lot more than what you'd pay for supercharging, if you can even find anyone to take that deal.

What year is the Model X? Are you sure supercharging won't transfer?
You are totally right. I hadn’t even considered that I am on a Tesla forum, so chances are incredibly high that everyone here also has another car (if not more) tied to their account. I am just running out of time to convince the seller to transfer over his existing account. Other than the Model X I am buying, the cybertruck reservation is the only other vehicle he has on the account.

I guess, and I have no doubt we will see this in the future, people could create a new account and buy a reservation, and just sell the whole thing. Surely the car cost will be bumped up soon.

Regarding the free supercharging transferring, yes I am certain it doesn’t transfer. It is for the first owner only. It is a 2020 Model X.

Thanks for bringing up a really good point. I am purchasing the vehicle in a matter of hours so I think I’ll let it go at this point. Was a last ditch effort really.
Good luck!

I imagine buying an early CT reservation would cost $2k-$5k (just a wild ass guess). Consider that your Supercharging bank for a few years.

personally, I’d be very weary as the seller to be juggling CT reservations like that. Takes a lot of trust on all sides for something unconventional like this.
Just FYI, it wouldn't have worked anyway. I tried doing this when I sold my S a few years ago. I gave a friend the entire account, but Tesla flagged the FUSC as soon as he updated the associated name & address. It was worth a shot.