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WTB: Front and/or Back Tesla T Emblem

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Hello - I am looking to purchase a front T emblem and back T emblem. The new ones cost an arm and a leg and I'm being cheap right now! :tongue:

So if you have both or one or the other that's collecting dust, please sell them to me. :smile:

So, I'm assuming that these get stolen off of parked cars?

I wondered about that, too. But there's no telling.

Having taken off my front T to put the lighted T under it, I can tell you it's not super-easy. More time than a thief would want to spend taking something off a car that's only going to make them $35. Unlike snapping a hood ornament off.

Of course, I guess they don't care if a screwdriver scratches the car in the process, either..
I wondered about that, too. But there's no telling.

Having taken off my front T to put the lighted T under it, I can tell you it's not super-easy. More time than a thief would want to spend taking something off a car that's only going to make them $35. Unlike snapping a hood ornament off.

Of course, I guess they don't care if a screwdriver scratches the car in the process, either..

Yep. And never under-estimate the lengths that a drunk teenager with kleptomaniac tendencies will go to steal something... anything... just for the fun. The $35 is just a bonus.
Fellow Tesla Model 3 fans and owners. I have just come across where to get the three authentic METAL bars for the original Tesla E Trunk logo. Here is the link and I found this coupon code 'EBAR20' which essentially gives you free shipping, all for about 20 bucks shipped. Add quantity 'three' to your order to get the 'three' bars. E BAR Boom, you're welcome!!!


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