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WTB Gen 1 mobile charger in SoCal

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What won’t work? the gen 1 charger? that doesn’t make sense. plus the older vehicles like my 2015 model s originally came with a gen 1 charger and can take advantage of the 40a charge.

A new onboard car charger might not work.

My 2016 Model X had its charger replaced earlier this year.

My gen 1 charger stopped working with it. When I took to Tesla they used another gen 1 charger and was able to reproduce the issue.
A new onboard car charger might not work.

My 2016 Model X had its charger replaced earlier this year.

My gen 1 charger stopped working with it. When I took to Tesla they used another gen 1 charger and was able to reproduce the issue.

wow thanks for the heads up i’ve never heard of that issue! i’m really hoping i don’t have that problem because i would really like to take advantage of the 25% faster charge rate so i can fully charge during super off peak pricing hours. right now a hpwc isn’t an option in my condo complex
wow thanks for the heads up i’ve never heard of that issue! i’m really hoping i don’t have that problem because i would really like to take advantage of the 25% faster charge rate so i can fully charge during super off peak pricing hours. right now a hpwc isn’t an option in my condo complex

Just got the gen 1 charger and it works great! your car might have had a defective charge port since 2 chargers had the same problem