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WTB: Gen 1 UMC 14-50 adapter

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Gen 1s are kinda crap. After the second one melted I gave up on them. It's ok if you're not pulling many amps but if that's the goal Gen 2s are better.
Really? Two? Wow, that's crazy. I've been using the same gen1 14-50 adapter for years now to charge several Model S cars w/o issue. I know you understand electricity so I won't even suggest checking your outlet wiring to see if there's some resistance near the adapter causing issues because that's the first thing I would suspect given my positive experience with the same style adapter.
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Really? Two? Wow, that's crazy. I've been using the same gen1 14-50 adapter for years now to charge several Model S cars w/o issue. I know you understand electricity so I won't even suggest checking your outlet wiring to see if there's some resistance near the adapter causing issues because that's the first thing I would suspect given my positive experience with the same style adapter.

It wasn't the outlet. The inside of the UMC melted. Outlet was fine.

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