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WTB HPWC with long cord...

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I'll be getting my S in a few weeks and need to figure out my charging solution in the interim. Since my S will be parked outside I'd like a permanent charging solution like the HPWC instead of using the UMC out in the elements all the time. If anyone is looking to upgrade your HPWC to the gen 2 and want sell me your gen 1 cheap, let me know. There is a 30% tax credit I qualify for if I buy new so it'd need to be priced <$275 for it to make economic/common sense to buy used Gen 1 over new gen 2.
wonder if you would consider a custom solution like the one me and my partner built recently? All the "brains" are inside the j1772 handle.
for Tesla - you would have to use adapter thou.. It supports up to 30A currently, but should we able to do 40A soon. Unless you have dual chargers - that should suffice.
You can hard wire it to 220V, or put the plug of your preference. And definitely you can put whatever lenght cable you need there, as long as you follow the gauge table.

(one in picture - has regular plug, I also use it as mobile cord with me)


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