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Hello All!
I’m looking to purchase a HPWC! I’ve seen some for sale here around $350-$375; which I feel is fair; and am willing to pay! Especially since you can get them from Tesla brand new for $500!
Please let me know if you have one for sale or have seen one for sale!
Much appreciation!!
Hello All!
I’m looking to purchase a HPWC! I’ve seen some for sale here around $350-$375; which I feel is fair; and am willing to pay! Especially since you can get them from Tesla brand new for $500!
Please let me know if you have one for sale or have seen one for sale!
Much appreciation!!

Your post is fairly old so not sure if you are still looking but I have a signature black HPWC for sale, brand new unopened. Willing to part with it for $375 + shipping. Shipping from Dallas.