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WTB: Installation Help for Model S Autoease Custom Power Liftgate

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Hey everyone, I need help installing the replacement/upgraded motor and controller for the Autoease Power operated tailgate lift assisting system. I bought the car with the gen1 already installed and need help upgrading to the gen3 motor and controller the company sent me.

Since we are just replacing two components on top of an existing install it should be a relatively easy job. Just need to pop out the back panels and replace the parts and wire them up (and then put all the panels back). I estimate the job to be at around 1-2 hours max. I can help too (engineering background and usually an eager DIY'er).

I am willing to pay $300. I can come to you (or you can come to me if preferred).

My location: Bay Area, CA (specifically the South Bay).

See this thread and video for more information. Feel free to PM me to discuss.

DIY Power Lift gate for Tesla Model S Walkthrough Video

Have you done it? You've waited 3 months :). I just did mine with the CoZero re-branded kit. I think it's a latest version with the soft-close and central box inside the lift-gate. I'm a DIY too. You should call a friend for help and save $1000. I'm in Central CA so I cannot be there but I can give you some advice if you need to ask anything.
Have you done it? You've waited 3 months :). I just did mine with the CoZero re-branded kit. I think it's a latest version with the soft-close and central box inside the lift-gate. I'm a DIY too. You should call a friend for help and save $1000. I'm in Central CA so I cannot be there but I can give you some advice if you need to ask anything.

I haven't tried it yet, I'm busy working all the time. You are correct it would probably be best for me with some help from a friend to figure it out myself. Thank you for the offer I'll definitely shoot you some questions if and when I get around to do it myself.

In the meantime the $1,000 offer still stands :D