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WTB: late 2022+ Model S Plaid (w/ Matrix headlights) [Canada+US]

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Looking to buy a late 2022+ Model S Plaid. Must have the updated Matrix headlights and taillights.

Considering the current inventory discounts on Plaids of C$140k/US$105k for new cars:
Offering up to CAD$120k / US$85k for any model in near-perfect condition with low mileage (under 10k km/ 6k mi).

Open to any color combination, any options, but none of it impacts price for me (not even FSD).
Clean and clear title, no accidents/repairs a must.

Located in Ottawa (Canada) but will travel nearly anywhere for the right deal.
That includes the US.
Anything father than Toronto/Montreal/Sudbury/NYC, make it worth my while :)

Straight cash or trade of 2020 Performance 3 + cash if you want it (see my FS thread)
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